Genre: Combat Game Publisher: Full Control Developer: Full Control PEGI Certificate: 16+ Players: 1 1.2Gb minimum storage required
Space Hulk: Ascension Edition is a 3D, digital, turn based, strategy game, which builds upon the classic board game experience, and adds new RPG style mechanics, additional weapons and enemy types, an all-new chapter and loads of other new features to both the single player and multiplayer experience. Set in the isolated corridors and tomb-like chambers of ancient vessels lost in the graveyard of space, players lead a small force of fearless Space Marine Terminators in a ferocious fight for survival against hordes of predatory, alien Genestealers. The game comes with over 100 missions spread out over 3 complete campaigns, and all new flash missions. These are opportunistic mini-missions encountered as you explore the deep unknowns of the Space Hulk that can yield a tactical advantage or be a deadly trap. The introduction of squad management and skill progression lets players build their own squads of hardened veterans. There are also new variations of Genestealers to face, and more complex maps to overcome, making the game more fun, challenging and rewarding to play. Space Hulk: Ascension Edition also introduces the Ultramarine chapter, combi weapons and the mighty Cyclone missile launcher as new weapon options, which are sure to shake things up on the battlefield.